804-677-7046 -- Ocala FL silvermooniberians@gmail.com

The Silver Moon Difference

“Even better than a clean slate…”

“I purchased a yearling from Silver Moon Iberians two and a half years ago. I am a professional, and am extremely particular about how my horses are handled, so was looking for as much of a ‘clean slate’ as possible.

With Sharon Madere’s program, I got something even better than a clean slate:  I got a yearling who has a great attitude towards humans, and had already been educated to lead, happily trailer load, to have her feet handled (and more). The key word here is educated.

I have trained many young horses and I feel that the early education that Sharon gave Quora played a big role in making her one of the easiest horses for me to start. Sharon’s focus on building relaxation, trust, and communication minimizes the amount of ‘drama’ that often occurs when handling young horses. I’ve already sat on her a few times, and I am so thrilled with how easily it is going, I have to use a lot of self-control while I wait for her body to mature!

Sharon’s system is methodical, is interested in discovering the character of the individual horse, and seeks to give each horse the best chance of success in their lives. She puts a lot of focus into matching each horse with the right human, then making sure they understand one another before they go on to their new home. I also knew I could reach out to Sharon at any time if I had any questions about bridging Quora’s early education into my own system.

I am looking forward to continuing Quora’s training as my equine partner. She loves attention and learns quickly. She is so naturally balanced, and sensible with just the right amount of movement to keep me excited, and enough ‘sass’ to keep me giggling…  Just what I was looking for!

There are a lot of unknowns when purchasing any young horse, but with Sharon Madere and Silver Moon Iberians you will know so much more about the horse, how they learn, and their character – even when as young as a yearling. I highly recommend that you connect with Sharon for your next young horse!”

-Karen Rohlf